Thursday, July 5, 2007

Japanese Beetle Fraud

It's July and in much of the eastern Midwest, that means the Japanese Beetle is back. With it may come some other pests: con artists who prey on your frustration with the beetle. 

In past years, some communities have seen 'exterminators' offering to rid your yard of these coppery-green menaces. Their promise? Buy their control service and they promise in only a few weeks, your Japanese Beetle population will be gone. They also guarantee you won't see the beetles again for an entire year

I will extend the same guarantee to you, without even having to come to your yard. 

The turds offering this service could make good on their guarantee just spraying your yard with water. The adult beetle will indeed be gone in a few weeks as Japanese Beetles live for about a month to breed and lay eggs in lawns. After that, they die and the larvae grow underground until next July when they emerge as new adult beetles.

Forewarned is forearmed.

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